It is exhausting brainstorming to choose the best school for your child We all agree that school plays a crucial role in a child’s development. Certainly, it is not a thing you just randomly pick rather it needs your proper attention so that you can feel that your child is getting nurtured in the right and safe environment.

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We are throwing some light on the key points that you must take care of while seeking admission of your child to a new school.
Read on!
Key points on how to decide the best school for your children:
School is the second home for a child. Surely, one cannot go wrong when selecting the best school. Schools not only educate but also are responsible for the complete development of your child. Your child spends many years in school and thus each and everything about the school affects the inner soul of the child.
We have been asked several times about what we think is essential while finalizing the school for your child.
Have a look at the following worthy points to pay attention to! We are sure that if you would take care, you will end up having a good school.
Let’s get started!
Factors that determine the Best School for your Child
Every school has some pros and cons. You cannot have everything good in just one school. Here are some key checkpoints that will help you to find out the best one that will work for your ward.
The Distance:
A school in your proximity can save hundreds of hours of your life. Especially, for younger pre-primary or primary kids, it is always preferred to have them nearby you. Moreover, parents can reach out to their kids in the shortest time possible.
Not only time, but the proximity of the school also save thousands of bucks as you don’t need to pay extra for transportation.
Definitely a Win-Win.
The importance of discipline in one’s life doesn’t need any reference. A child who learns to stay in discipline will follow it in the future. Schools are the first place to lay the foundation of discipline in their lives.
You must check to know about the discipline of the school. The behavior of the students, whether they give importance to time, and more can reflect a lot about the school. In contrast, not all kids can be the same yet a strong foundation of discipline will make them stand out. So, keep your eye on these aspects.
Make a list of preferred Schools:
If you have moved to a new location, or planning to change the school of your child, the first thing you must do is to jot down the preferred schools in that location.
Then one by one started getting information about the listed schools. In this way, you can find out the most suitable one.
Your pocket Matters:
Let’s agree that these days good education has become a luxury in our country. Parents are trying everything to get the best school for their wards. The skyrocketing hike in fees puts many parents in debt every year.
But, please, do not fall into this trap.
Don’t go beyond your pockets. Never put your child in a school for social status or on your friend’s advice. You must need to know the fee structure and the annual increments policy of the school. If you feel comfortable, only then decide to put your child in; else you will take an unnecessary burden on yourself. There is no one to feed your family. So think and act wisely. Put yourself first before anything, anyone!
Check the Curriculum:
If you have made your preferred schools’ list then and you are okay with the expanses involved, then check out the curriculum. Make sure the school has a focus on the overall development of your ward.
There must not be only study involved. Please check their website or brochures to get to know the essence of the activities carried out every year in the school. Your child must get a platform where he or she can learn to be able to stand out in the future. Remember! Public speaking, sports, writing, art, and cultural activities are some most significant ones to add value to the personality of your child.
So, help your child to explore his /her talent, and this you can do by choosing the best school for your children.
We at Milton Public School Agra provide an environment where a child can find himself/herself. Our focus is to nurture our students in a way that they can do exceptionally well not only in education but also in whatever they do in their lives.
Thus, a carefully chosen school will unmitigated the growth of your ward.
Hygiene and Sanity:
We have witnessed a pandemic era recently. Coronavirus helped us to know the importance of hygiene and sanity. We must incorporate these learnings into our daily lives. Not only Covid-19, but we also used to see malaria, Dengue, and other infections spread easily. So, the health of your kids is of the utmost importance.
Visit every school that you have on your list. Talk to the students and staff about the maintenance of hygiene. Also check their water coolers, canteens, and every possible place where these bacteria can develop and flourish. Further, if possible then enquire about the medical and first aid facility available in the school.
Also, there must be proper lectures to let the kids learn about how to keep hygiene in their lives.
One thing you should not compromise with is the safety of the kids. We all read and hear a lot of incidents happening all around us with the kids. You must double-check for the safety of your kids.
There must be CCTV cameras all around the school and their transport services. Ensure the safety o the kids before handing over your child to the hands of the school. There are certain guidelines from the board (CBSE, ICSC, or others) that the school has to follow.
So, make sure these guidelines are getting followed by the school.
Summing Up:
School is the first place where the child spends his/her important time of life. Whatever they learn in school makes the foundation of how he/she would become human Thus, you cannot ignore the importance of choosing the best school for your kid.
Hopefully, you agree with the above-mentioned points and will keep them in mind while deciding on the school for your child. These are the most crucial factors to keep in mind while deciding the school for your kids.
At Milton Public School Bodla, Agra– we ensure the safety and hygiene of children first. Moreover, we make sure that our teachings could add value to the personality of our students. If you are looking for a CBSE school in Bodla Agra, do visit us. We are always happy to be there for you.
Admissions are open for the 2023-2024 Session. Contact Us for any queries.